When it comes to Feises, and especially major championships, it is important to stand out from the rest of your competition. Dancers do this in many ways, but what always catches our attention, is when dancers are super sharp. Sharpness is something that a lot of dancers struggle with and find it...
Are you an Irish dancer looking to take your on-stage performances to the next level?
Whether you're a beginner or an Open Champion, one aspect that can truly make or break your performance is stage presence. In this blog, we'll delve into why stage presence matters in Irish dancing...
To excel in your Irish dancing journey it is important to nail the basics, and one key element that often comes up in our MWM community is turnout. If you're passionate about your Irish dancing, you know that perfecting your turnout is crucial for a strong performance. While your teachers will...
‘I want to give my dancing 100%’
On a weekly basis we hear dancers who are totally dedicated to their dancing and want to do everything they can to improve. This is amazing and we are always inspired by their dedication and passion for their Irish dancing.