Irish dance isn't just about footwork and routines; it's a dance that begins in your mind. To truly master this captivating art, you must learn to dance with a positive mindset. Picture this: confidence radiating from every step, a stage filled with energy, and a crowd that's cheering you on. It all...
Irish dance, with its intricate footwork and mesmerising rhythms, requires not just skill but confidence. Confidence is like an invisible dance partner, guiding every step and amplifying the grace of the dancer. But what does confidence in an Irish dancer actually look like?
In this blog, we will e...
Embarking on a holiday doesn't mean your Irish dance progress has to take a backseat. Despite the myth that you can't improve during your summer holiday, there are plenty of fun and easy ways to keep growing as a dancer. Let's explore five enjoyable activities you can incorporate into your holiday r...