Word Of The Year 2025
Dec 26, 2024Over recent years there has been a new December/January tradition of picking a word of the year for the following year. This is something that Annabelle has been doing at the start of each year during her Thursday morning Mindset Class and something we want to encourage you all to do.
Unlike setting goals and New Years Resolutions, picking a word of the year allows you to use this word to help you to grow throughout the year so you are guided to making choices which are aligned to you and your 2025 values.
How to pick your word of the year for 2025
Reflect on 2024
The first thing you want to do is reflect on 2024; so that we can use this to guide our 2025. It is important to think about what went well in 2024, but also what didn’t go so well. Reflection should be a task that isn’t rushed and so we think it is best to do this in a safe space, on your own where you can fully explore your thoughts.
Here are some questions to help you to reflect on 2024:
- What made you feel happy this year?
- What did you find most difficult this year?
- What habits do you want to change?
- What accomplishments did you achieve this year?
- What are the first five highlights that come to mind from this past year?
- What did you learn in 2024?
- What are the first three words that come to mind when you think about this year?
Think about your values, intentions and goals for 2025
The next step is to think about your values, intentions and goals for 2025. Firstly, these are not the same things.
Values are what you believe in and what is important to you
Intentions are influenced by your values and are about what you want to achieve
Goals are steps towards your achievement
For example: You may believe in the importance of self-compassion and rest for your dancing career.
Your intention could then be to enjoy more time for self-care during your week so you don’t overtrain as much as you did in 2024.
Your goal might be to spend one evening a week doing something which brings you joy such as colouring, having a bubble bath or reading.
Brainstorm some ideas that come to mind after you have completed the first two steps. The more answers you can think of, the better, so don’t be afraid to write down whatever pops into your mind. This can be helpful to do on a large piece of paper so you can really get creative.
Live your word fully
Once you have decided the word which is going to fully embrace your 2025 intention, then it’s time to fully embrace it and fully live that word throughout the next 12 months. This word is going to keep you fully aligned to your intentions and keep you reaching, in the right direction, towards those goals.
Our MWM Word for 2024 was Simplify and our 2025 Word of the Year is…Community. We would love you to share yours with us ❤️
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