Seven Reasons Why a Supportive Community Empowers Irish Dancers
Aug 08, 2024‘How do I increase my confidence as an Irish Dancer?’
This is a question that we get asked on an almost daily basis and to be perfectly honest there isn’t just one answer. Working on our confidence is very individual and although we have lots of tips, tricks, and techniques that can help you, there isn’t one size fits all when it comes to working on our confidence.
But we do know something for certain - that surrounding yourself with a supportive community is proven to increase confidence and empower young people.
Why is having a supportive community important for Irish Dancers?
Having a supportive community is vital for the success and confidence building of young Dancers. There are a number of reasons for this, which we are going to explore together, but it is important to remember that we are talking about safe and supportive communities. These are the people who want to see you succeed, who care about you as a person (not only as a Dancer), and are there to cheer for you when you succeed and help to pick you back up again when you are down. Normally Dancers tell us that these people include their parents, siblings, dance teachers, friends, Feis friends, MWM community, and partners (for older Dancers!)
Ways Having A Supportive Community Helps Irish Dancers Feel Empowered
Emotional Support
Having a supportive community for Irish Dancers gives them like-minded people who they can use to help them stay motivated. We find that Dancers are more likely to be consistent with their training if they have another member of the MWM Community who they feel like they can connect with. These Dancers use each other to motivate each other, and encourage each other. Plus Dancers from small schools or Dancers who don’t have anyone in their dance school in a similar age group use external communities, like the MWM Community, to feel a greater sense of belonging - you truly are not alone!
Developing as a Dancer
A supportive community also helps Irish Dancers to develop and grow as Dancers. Supportive Dancers in dance class can help provide constructive feedback and criticism for other Dancers and help them improve their technique. Also, supportive communities allow Dancers to have greater opportunities to learn from other people; just like our Online Summer Camp next week, where Gold Club Dancers are going to learn from multiple Guest Experts.
Role Models
Having a supportive community filled with Dancers who are of different ages helps to provide role models and mentorship opportunities for Irish Dancers. This is an opportunity to help both younger and older Dancers grow mentally, emotionally, and physically. This helps younger Dancers see what they can aspire to be in the future and helps older Dancers feel a sense of pride as they pass on their knowledge to the next generation. We remember being this person in dance class when we were younger and we love seeing it amongst the different ages in our Community.
Social Connections
Who doesn’t love making new friends who love Irish Dancing as much as you do?? By surrounding yourself with a supportive community filled with people as positive and passionate about Irish Dancing as you are, then you are going to have lots of new friends! Whether they are friends you see every week at dance class, each month at local Feises or once a year at Majors, those connections can stay strong thanks to the internet and our MWM Community. Annabelle remembers writing letters to her Feis friend in Ireland before the internet was as accessible as it is now!
Stronger Mindset
Having a supportive community can help Irish Dancers increase their confidence and empower them to become the best Dancers that they can be. If you are part of a community which encourages you to celebrate all of your achievements, and share your highs and lows with everyone, then you are more likely to feel confident, treat yourself with kindness, understand sportsmanship and believe in yourself.
A Place to Feel Safe
By having a safe space to express your feelings, share your goals and be supported and encouraged along the way, allows Dancers to feel truly heard and understood. By providing a safe space, whether that be online or in person at dance class, Dancers learn to become more resilient as they are free to not be ‘perfect’ and still feel accepted for simply being their amazing selves.
Finally, by having a supportive community around you as an Irish Dancer you are able to engage and learn from new communities, enhance your creativity and knowledge, and help younger Dancers feel heard and seen regardless of their background.
If you are looking for your next supportive, dedicated and friendly Irish Dancing community, then look no further than the MWM Gold Club. Take a look at how our Dancers support each other on a daily basis…
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