MWM App for Irish Dancers

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Join the MWM Gold Club  

If it feels like you’re putting your heart and soul into Irish Dance but haven’t reached your fullest potential,

I see you…

and you’re amazing!

  • You love to dance more than anything in the world but sometimes it feels like you'll never reach your goals
  • You know deep down you have more to give as a dancer but you often lose belief in your vision
  • You’re ready to go all in to achieve your dance goals but you feel overwhelmed and don't know where start

The MWM Gold Club is here to support you on YOUR unique dance journey. You'll learn how to speed up your progress, master your mindset and take consistent action towards your goals.

Join The Gold Club Now

It's our mission to make Irish Dance a more positive place, mentally and physically and to help you to become the best Irish Dancer you can be!

Move With Meg is designed to educate, inspire and provide dancers (like you!) with the support and clarity you need to reach your BIG dance goals.  

You will learn all of our secrets to transformation: 

  • What to focus on to achieve your goals
  • Why mindset is just as important as movement & technique
  • How to stay inspired & motivated 

The skills and resources in the MWM Gold Club will support you in every area of your life - on and off the stage! 

With 44+ LIVE classes a month and Gold Club EXCLUSIVES, our App makes it even easier and more accessible to reach your goals. 

Join the Gold Club

What dancers and parents say... 

Join The Gold Club

The MWM App brings you Exclusive Content, an Inspiring Community and Premium Tips & Resources no matter where you are!

Are you a dancer who needs: 

  • Help building the daily habits of a Champion and staying accountable?
  • Access to premium classes, tips and resources from Meg and other experts? 
  • Interactive sessions to supercharge your progress like our monthly Correction Clinic? (Meg's fave!!!)
  • Support and connection with our dance community and MWM Team? 
  • Help focusing on the right areas and using your time wisely?
  • Access to classes and community so you can make progress no matter where you are? 
Download MWM App

Our Live Class Timetables  



Most popular

  • Monthly payment taken each 4 weeks from card on file 

6 Monthly


  • Payment taken each 6 months from card on file
  • Monthly price down to £30



Best price

  • Yearly payment taken  from card on file 
  • Monthly price down to £25